December 13, 2008

Injured Reserve

Hey guys it's Jasper. Dad has put me on the injured reserve list because I hurt my knees from too much jumping. I am going to have to take it easy for awhile until we find out what is wrong. This means I can't play ball with all my buddies like I used to. I can still run a little and do some retrieving, but my sprinting and jumping days are over for now. Dad is going to take me to an orthopedic specialist and see what can be done. So if you see me around the field and I don't feel like playing with you don't take it personally... I just need to rest until I can get this thing worked out.

September 04, 2008

Jasper Video Mix 1

Hey guys I got tired of Anja being the only one with cool videos so I made dad make me one too. Check it out...

July 25, 2008

Latest stuff

Me and my buddy Trouper

Doing what I love...

Helping Max with distractions

December 22, 2007

Recovering Well

Hey everybody it's Jasper... just wanted to let everyone know that I am out of surgery and recovering well. I'm not really sure what happened - dad calls is 'neutering' but all I know is I woke up in the morning excited to go for a car ride and next thing I know I'm waking up with something missing down there. I'm trying to figure out how they did it without me knowing about it. Anyway I am moving around fine and really don't miss them all that much I guess. The only thing I don't like is that I don't get to play ball for a few days and that just seems unfair. Oh well I'm going back to sleep to dream about chasing things... see ya.